We took what you loved about the Whole Life Planner & Journal and made it ever better!
Introducing the Better Every Day Journal. The journal is now designed to help you put a focus on your quarter, create measurable results, and design actions to get you there.
- Reorganized weekly plans, weekly reviews, and daily pages for greater clarity
- Added a Your Vision for the Quarter section to let you create more context around your weeks
- Added Monthly Check-ins to ensure you’re staying focused
- Added a Quarterly Review to help you put the quarter in perspective and set you up for the future
Created by Andy Petranek, this planner and journal is aggregate of the two elements Andy uses each day in preparing himself to be “game ready” for life… planning and journaling. The 219 page, 12-week journal is organized into 12, one-week chunks (18 pages per week). Each week-long “chunk” contains three parts:
- The Weekly Plan
- The Daily Action Pages
- The Weekly Review
The Plan
In The Plan, you’ll create your week. This includes a chart for writing out the daily habits you want to track, identifying the most important events and projects to focus on and the people you want to connect with, as well as a section to help you know what a successful week would look like for you. It’s also got an entire blank page, giving you the creative space to write, draw or include anything you want to in YOUR plan for the week.
The Daily Action Pages
Each week is broken down into 7 Daily Action Pages, two pages for each day. This is where the bulk of your writing, planning and journaling happens. On the first page, there are sections to track your sleep from the night before as well as what made yesterday a great day, and the things you’re grateful for. It’s also got spots for identifying most important events, things you must get done, and what is important but not urgent you want to work on. And from an aspirational standpoint, includes spaces for affirmation and words for self-encouragement.
There is also an entire blank page EACH day for open-ended journaling/writing. It’s not an unlimited amount of space, but it’s enough to help you get your thoughts out or provide yourself with some daily inner wisdom and guidance.
The Review
Last is The Weekly Review. This is, perhaps, the most important two pages of each week. It’s where you get the chance to look back at the week and identify how you’ve done by answering a series of prompts that walk you through the process of identifying what you’ve done, who you’ve connected with, and acknowledge yourself for the job you did. It also contains a 10-point rating scale in 11 areas related to your health, fitness, and well-being to help you clarify truly where you are.
Additionally, like the other parts of the Journal, the Review has blank space for you to reflect on anything you want, or to write about the 6 areas Andy has identified as important in living your best life: Nourish, Move, Clarify, Listen, Grow, and Support.
If you’re a Whole Life Challenger, or just someone who wants to live a better life, the Whole Life Planner & Journal is a must have, as it’s a personal record of your process, your progress, and your inner thoughts/wisdom, written out by hand.
- A5 size, 5.8 x 8.3 inches(148 x 210)
*Our journals are printed on demand. Please allow 7 days for your order to ship.